Watch the FREE Seminar:
Many of us “will be called” to show up for someone we love at the end of life. Knowing how to do that changes everything.
In this week’s training:
You will learn from Suzanne B. O’Brien RN, the Founder & CEO of Doulagivers Institute and pioneer in the global DEATH DOULA Movement who will teach YOU how to support someone you love at the end of life.
The minute I started working with the dying, my entire life changed. I noticed right away that as they neared the end, the majority of people reached a place of spiritual peace. So many of them said the same things, regardless of their religion, culture, or even if they were atheists. It was as though they had solved a puzzle. It was clear to me that everything was not only going to be all right, but it was divinely orchestrated the entire time. They had received their “spiritual eyes.”
There are three different phenomena that often happen at the end of life. Again, it happens universally regardless of a person’s religion, culture, or background.
In this training this week, we will explore the 3 most common end of life phenomena reported from around the world.
Even though we can’t know what happens after we die until we get there, it’s amazing how people from all different backgrounds and religions say similar things as they get closer to leaving this world and share the same wisdom.
Join me to explore the common phenomenon that happens so you can explore spiritual peace of mind, help soften your grief, and find hope to see your loved one again with the knowledge that they will always be with you.
About The “Good Death” Seminar Series:
Doulagivers® The FREE Good Death Seminar Series will be hosted 2x a month for communities all over the world desiring real support and education on end of life care.
The seminars will be held every other Wednesday night at 7-8:15 PM EST from October 2, 2024 – March 12, 2025. Each seminar will be 75 minutes and consist of a segment of teaching, group discussion, and Q&A session. Free Workbook Included!
***Sign up required for EACH individual session. Price is $97 and is now FREE of charge.***
The Good Death Seminar Series is taught by Doulagivers Institute Founder, Suzanne B. O’Brien RN.
This is a LIVE interactive scheduled event over Zoom. There will be no replays. Mark your calendar. Space is limited and will be on a first-come basis.
© 2024 Doulagivers LLC.

Upcoming Talks:
February 12, 2025
What are Home Wakes/Home Funerals? What is a FUNeral? All The Benefits and how to have them.
February 26, 2025
The New Dying Green Options: Traditional Burial vs Natural Burial, water cremations, human composting and more!
March 12, 2025
Grief and Bereavement- The TRUTH about grief and How to have the healthiest bereavement period possible. How to talk to children about death.
*** Held on Zoom. Space is Limited. Registration Required for Each Individual Session***.
About Doulagivers Institute:
From the beginning of Doulagivers Institute, our mission has been expanding and enhancing quality end of life care for all people everywhere in the world and empowering family caregivers with the skills and knowledge they need to provide compassionate care to those they love in the final stages of life.
About Suzanne B. O’Brien, RN:
Suzanne B. O’Brien RN is the Founder & CEO of Doulagivers Institute. Suzanne was named Humanitarian Ambassador for Oprah Magazine in 2019 for her work to bring peace and comfort to those facing the end of life around the world. She is also a founding member of the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization’s End of Life Doula Council and a founding member and Former VP of the National End of Life Doula Alliance.
Many of us “will be called” to show up for someone we love at the end of life. Knowing how to do that changes everything. Please join and share this free seminar series with others. Together- we CAN change the world!